This is one of our favorite weekends of the year... POWELL FEST! And we have tons of reasons why you should swing by the tasting room tonight before you head across the street to enjoy the festivities.
FIRST, you must try our brand new Adult "Juice" Pouches! These come with a 1/2 bottle of wine perfectly paired with each of 4 Juice Pouches, Raspberry Rose, Strawberry Sangria, Blackberry Merlot and Blueberry Lavender Lemonade! These are sure to go quickly so stop by and get yours before we sell out.

SECOND, Single Serving Wine Cocktails. If you haven't tried these yet, you are missing out. We have 3 different cocktails to choose from. Beach Bum - Kiwi Pineapple Wine with a shot of Coconut Rum, Tutti Frutti - Strawberry Wine with Citron Vodka and Fruit Salad, 3-Berry Wine with Strawberry Vodka... served over ice... these a scrumptious!

THIRD, Wine Slushees... These are always a Summertime favorite, and our slushees aren't your average wine slushees. Ours our made with the very best, organic ingredients. This weekend we have a Paloma Slushee and a Red Sangria Slushee.... mmmmm, mmmmm!

FOURTH, PowellFest Bottle Special.... Stop in tonight and buy any (Full) bottle of wine and get a PVW Wine Corker and Two PVW plastic wine cups to take with you over to the village green. This way you can find your spot on the lawn and not have to get up and wait in line for another glass. Relax, sit back and enjoy some handcrafted wine, while supporting a local, small business!!! We'll even slap a "DORA" label on the bottle for ya!

FIFTH.... Lots of Parking. We all know parking is gonna be an issue in Powell this weekend. Well, we have tons of parking... but you're only allowed to park in our lot if you stop into the tasting room, so it's a WIN-WIN!
BONUS REASON!!!! We are staying open late Saturday night so you can enjoy the Fireworks from our patio! We have the perfect view of the fireworks, so stop by late night, enjoy some wine and watch the show!!!!
See ya this weekend... Cheers!!!!